Wife Sleeping

Posted by: London Kim

Jan 4, 2013

Showed these to my wife and she (reluctantly) agreed to me posting them

Recent Comments for Wife Sleeping (9)
  • ça aurait  été dommage, un si joli petit cul ,trés prometteur pour la suite que j'espére !
  • Tu sei estasiante vorrei essere li con te per leccarti bere tutti i tuoi umori e penetrarti ovunque. invece sono qui a masturbarmi guardando le foto di una donna ammaliante arrapante conturbante. ltanimoso@
  • She's got a super sexy ass... And looks like she's packing some serious tit too! I want to see sooooo much more of her! Email me? Johndenver411@
  • Without a face, a woman has no beauty, poor
  • nice phat ass.
  • Why would she be reluctant? All that was shown was her ass. Nothing special.
  • BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING. One would have been plenty.
  • Thanks for showing her beautiful ass, If she wants to see what her body does to me send me more to vetteluver98@ and I will send pic. back if you wish
  • you forgot to tell us if she snores.


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